Today is my 35th birthday, and I'm sharing 35 things I have learned in my many trips around the sun.
Don't wait for a special occasion.. drink that nice bottle of wine, light the fancy candle or wear the amazing shoes - every day is worthy of celebration.
You can't pour from an empty cup.
Self-care is a priority so I can show up mentally, physically and emotionally for my family, work, friends, etc.
My parents are two of the best people on the planet...
...and any one in their orbit knows this to be true.
Progress over perfection.
As a Type A person, it's natural for me to get hung up on everything being "perfect" but sometimes "good enough" is just that.
You can disagree with someone's opinions...
...and still love and respect them as a person.
Dream really big, and have the courage to follow through.
I had dreamt of moving to LA for years, and when I landed my "dream job" after college in California, the thought of moving across the country alone was scary but my dream was bigger than my fear.
Have a signature drink.
Know how you like your coffee, your go-to cocktail order, etc.
Establish family traditions.
Jack may roll his eyes when he is a teen but he will appreciate them some day, just like I do of my childhood traditions.
A walk is good for the soul.
Never underestimate the power of getting some fresh air.
My favorite marriage advice:
"just remember, you're annoying too"
Find a hobby...
...and make time for it. Reading is my not-so-guilty pleasure.
Quality over quantity.
Especially true in friendships. I have my core girlfriends that are like sisters and I value them over all the peripheral acquaintances.
Sometimes the best thing is from the kid's menu.
Chicken tenders & fries never disappoint.
Travel whenever possible.
Nothing expands your perspective more than seeing other parts of our world.
Don't worry about trends.
Wear what you like and what fits/flatters you best.
Communication and compromise...
...are the keys to a healthy relationship.
Find movement that you enjoy.
You're more likely to stay consistent. For me it's yoga, pilates, walking and weightlifting.
Invest in a good mattress and bedding.
You spend a third of your life in bed.
Few things in life are better than a chocolate chip cookie.
Grammy's recipe, warm from the oven.
Soak up the snuggles.
Jack was not a good sleeper as a baby, and I don't regret one second of the contact naps and co-sleeping. Thankfully at 6 years old, he still loves to cuddle mom, but I know it won't last forever.
Say no.
Know your boundaries and how to respectfully set them with others.
If you have a sincere compliment, share it.
You just might make someone's day.
Find your personal style.
Even having a go-to outfit when you feel like you have "nothing to wear" is helpful. Mine is jeans, a button down top, a great bag and weather-appropriate shoes.
Manners can you take you a really long way.
Not a lot of effort but so important, whether it's a genuine hand-written thank you card or a simple "please."
Proof-read before you hit send...
...on the email, text, invitation, etc.
Trust that things will work out the way they are supposed to.
While I don't think everything happens for a reason, I do believe the universe works in mysterious ways.
Show up.
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, keep your commitments.
Your intuition is right...
...10/10 times.
Size is just a number.
The number on the scale or size of your jeans does not define your worth.
It's okay to change your mind... grow, to evolve, to develop different views and perspectives.
Take the photo.
Capture the moment forever, as it will soon be a memory.
Wear sunscreen.
Non-negotiable, especially when SPF is in most skincare/makeup these days.
...and own up to your mistakes.
Put on your favorite song.
Music is healing and helps you lean in to what you need - be it a good cry, or a jam-session in the car.
This too shall pass.
My family's mantra and the quote I used for my college application essay to FSU. The only constant is change - the good, the bad; everything will pass.