Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Summer Trip to Seattle

In June, our family took a trip to Washington state. My parents, Greg, Jack and I found an airbnb walking distance to my cousin and husband's apartment in Seattle. They showed us the best time, filled with 4 days of adventures. Seeing so many "firsts" through Jack's eyes was so memorable for all of us.

We stayed local the first day and explored the Freemont neighborhood - walking around, visiting the troll, shopping and lunch. After traveling the day prior, we were all pretty tired so afternoon naps and reading by the fireplace were ideal.

On Tuesday, we woke up early and made the drive to Mt. Rainier. They had gotten a snow storm a few days prior so the trail we had planned to hike was under 3 feet of snow! We bundled up and showed Jack snow for the first time! We did a bit of hiking, had a snowball fight, Jack made a snow angel, and saw the most spectacular views.

We did a tourist city day downtown on Wednesday. We started with a trip up the Space Needle, which was super cool! It was a super clear day and the 360 degree views of Seattle including the city and Mt. Rainier that we hiked the day prior were incredible. We took a lap around the top floor, and then went down one level to the rotating floor.

Pike Place Market was the next stop, and a must-see in Seattle. We walked through to see vendors throwing fish, selling the most gorgeous bouquets of fresh flowers, and got Jack a doughnut while we waited for a table for lunch. We ate at Lowell's and had a delicious lunch filled with fresh seafood.

We took a stroll through Post Alley (with a pitstop at the gum wall) on the way to the The Great Wheel. Jack was super excited to go on the ferris wheel for the fist time. The views were great and Jack's awe made it worth the over-priced tickets. Back at the airbnb, we enjoyed an afternoon cocktail and snacks around the outdoor firepit.

On Thursday, we drove to Leavenworth, which is a Bavarian-themed town in Washington. We packed a picnic and stopped by Icicle Creek to set up a little camp. Jack loved exploring and find sticks. We sat by the creek which was so peaceful. After lunch, we stopped by the alpine slide at Leavenworth Adventures. Greg, my dad and I each did a ride with Jack so he could go on the "rollercoaster" a few times. Great views and surprisingly fast! I was hovering the brake the entire ride lol!

We headed back to the airport early Friday to catch our flight home - so bittersweet to leave. We had the best time! Jack was such a trooper with all the travel - his first time on an airplane, lots of drive time, etc and he was AMAZING the entire trip! Looking forward to showing him more of our world.

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