Sunday, December 4, 2022

Dear Jack - Part 4

 Four years old on the 4th - Happy Golden Birthday, my sweet boy! To say you are thriving would be an understatement. You have grown in so many ways this past year, it's crazy to look at pictures of you from the beginning of the year until now - losing some of the plumpness of your baby cheeks and looking more like a little boy every day. 

In August, you began going to preschool five days a week and have been learning so much! Mom and Dad are so proud of you and the person you are becoming - kind, smart, silly, empathetic and affectionate. Your imagination is so fun and entertaining. I love listening to your creative mind at work, telling us stories and playing games you have made up. You are still obsessed with all kinds of trucks and construction vehicles, the color red, and building things out of legos and magnatiles. 

This fall was filled with more weekend adventures (thanks to Dad's new schedule!) and it has filled my heart with so much joy to make more memories together as a family. New experiences, holiday traditions and all the fun times with family and friends in between. 

Some things I never want to forget from this age: 

the way you put your hand on your hip with so much sass, especially when you're trying to negotiate

the way you always wear your hood on your head if you have a sweatshirt on

the way you deliver a one-liner in prefect context that equal parts puzzles & humors Dad and I as to where you even heard or learned how to use that phrase

the way you ask to drive the car as soon as we enter our neighborhood, and climb onto Dad's lap to practice steering, using the blinker and looking both ways

the way you and I both say "I'm not done yet" when we're hugging, and we just relish in the embrace together as long as possible until the other one starts trying to squirm free

the way you stick your tongue out when you're concentrating really hard - usually building a tower of legos or writing your name on the glass door in the shower

the way you introduce yourself as “Jack Buckman” if a friendly stranger asks your name

- - -

The last 1,460 days of you have been the absolute best of my life. I love you to the moon and back, Jackman.

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